Unpack It: Create Your Complete Newsletter System in 5 Easy Steps

Whether you send your newsletter weekly or less frequently, it’s a huge undertaking. Even though you know you need to send a newsletter consistently, it’s a task that can easily slip through the cracks when you’re busy.

One way I teach my clients to achieve the consistency they strive for is through batch creation. Another way is by creating a system so they can more easily outsource most of the process.

So today, I’m here to talk about how to get your newsletter system started.

1. Create a content hub

The first thing to do is to create a central location where all newsletter content lives. Whether you use Dropbox, Google Drive, or something else easily accessible by your team, you want a place where you can store any copy, images, or other relevant pieces of information that everyone understands and can use.

I have a main Newsletter folder on my Google Drive and then, within that, monthly folders where each document goes. I talk more about this in this post on content systems.

2. Establish a set structure

For many entrepreneurs, the anxiety of what to put in the newsletter can be a huge stumbling block. So, spend some time deciding how you want to structure your newsletter.

Do you want to simply send the blog post each week? If so, will you send it as it appears on the blog, or perhaps with a 2-3 sentence intro?

Or, would you rather create a separate note that simply mentions the post?

There’s a huge variety of options. When deciding which is best for you, think about the newsletters you receive.

  • Which ones do you love?
  • What do you love about them?
  • How can you apply that to your business?

3. Create a template

Once you’ve decided on your structure, create a template so you know exactly what you need to include.

And be sure to include anything you commonly forget to create, like an image or the subject line. This will help streamline the setup process!

4. Document your preferences

Here’s where you layout the way you like it done. So consider things like:

  • Fonts you like
  • Font size you want
  • How headers should look
  • Signatures
  • How images should appear
  • The “from” details, etc

The more you can document, the fewer questions you’ll get from your team and the fewer edits you’ll have to make.

And, as new things arise, be sure to empower your team to update the documentation!

5. Decide on a timeline

Think through when you want the major steps completed to ensure it gets out on time.

For instance, let’s say you want to send your newsletter on Wednesday at 8 AM Eastern. Your timeline might look like this:

  • Draft content by prior Friday
  • Template and set up in newsletter software on Monday
  • Send test on Monday
  • Edit and update as needed on Tuesday
  • Schedule by close of business on Tuesday

You get to be as detailed as you want here but start with the major tasks and tweak as needed!

So, there are 5 steps to get you started on creating a newsletter system for your business that will help you not only be consistent but also to delegate the task effectively.

This up-front time investment will help you get your newsletter shipped so you can regularly communicate with your audience!