Batching your content creation has a lot of advantages, including having a positive impact on your time management.
But, it’s sometimes less obvious benefit is the impact it can have on your list-building activities and ultimately your bottom line. Yep, I’m talking more readers and more moolah!
Here’s the basic premise of batching: preparing your content in advance allows you to be far more strategic with how you’re going to leverage each post. (For more on batching, check out this post or this one.)
Here’s what I mean:
Content upgrades
When you develop your content in advance, you can decide which posts lend themselves to content upgrades. These are additional content you create to enhance the post that readers opt-in to receive. Content upgrades can be worksheets, how-to tips, videos, audio, or infographics that help the reader get more out of your content.
This allows you to have targeted content that entices readers to opt-in to your list from a specific post as well as your general freebie. Content upgrades give you an easy way to see what your audience is most attracted to in relatively small, easy to create ways.
By batching, you’ll have more time to create the supplementary content before the post goes live. This makes it much easier to execute consistently so you can continue to grow your list.
Whether you’re doing free or paid promotion, having some time in between creation and publication makes the execution of promoting your posts easier.
The extra lead time will give you time to decide on the tactics and prepare. For example, if you want to promote a post via a Facebook ad, you can more easily outsource the graphics or copy when you have some extra time.
PRO-TIP: Promoting a post that contains content upgrades can be a very cost-effective way of growing your list. Ads that promote free content like a blog post are often cheaper than all out promoting a webinar or freebie that requires an opt-in. But, by providing that targeted content upgrade you are adding one more way to entice reader onto your list.
Content with a purpose
Batching your content also makes it easier to be strategic with your topics. Again, by creating content in advance you have more time to plan, which means even integrating your content into your larger business goals.
For instance, if you’re planning to promote your group program in six weeks you can create content that leads your audience right to it. You can bring in some topics that fit nicely into what your program covers so you are attracting people who would also be interested in the group program.
And, it also allows you to be more strategic with content upgrades and promotion that tie directly into your upcoming program.
So, there’s three ways batching your content can help you grow your list and, ultimately, your bottom line. Happy batching!